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What can I expect when I come for treatment?

Your first visit to Zina

On your first visit Zina will take a thorough history, asking you about your symptoms in detail and other information such as past illnesses, operations and injuries. She may then do some examinations, such as muscle strength, reflexes and joint mobility to help her reach a diagnosis of your current symptoms and to make sure that chiropractic treatment is suitable for you.


So long as there is no reason why you cannot receive chiropractic care on your first visit, she will then check your spine and peripheral joints for minor joint misalignments (sometimes known as subluxations) that may be causing pain, discomfort or general feelings of fatigue, and will make the appropriate chiropractic adjustments.


Your treatment plan

Together you will discuss and design a treatment plan to suit your individual needs, not just to help your immediate symptoms, but also to ensure that you maintain good health and energy through a well-aligned spine in the future; it’s a bit like an M.O.T for your body!


Your plan will continuously be reviewed to make sure that you are both happy with your progress. Generally, after 3-4 treatments the majority of patients report big improvements in how they feel or may experience complete relief of their symptoms. However, occasionally this is not the case, so you may be referred back to your GP or another form of therapy might be suggested.

Throughout your care you’ll be advised on how to improve your posture and how to avoid factors that contribute to your symptoms. Whatever the case, you can be assured of continuous support with your recovery. Zina is devoted to helping you return to a pain-free, healthy and happy life.

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